Saturday, April 18, 2015

Conversation Partner Reflection - #6

As the semester is coming to a close, each week I talk with Cindy, she is getting more and more excited about returning to China.  How could she not be thrilled?  I would be extremely homesick after being away from my family for five months in a country that I had never visited nor was completely fluent in the main language.  She is so brave to have ventured so far away from home to receive a university education.

In January, she arrived at the DFW international airport, unable to communicate with an airline employee.  Now, Cindy will talk to me for over two hours.  In our most recent conversation, she shared with me one of the perks of being in the United States.  Shockingly, she shared how cheap items are in this country.  In fact, her parents have made a list of items that they want her to bring back to China, including: an iPhone 6 Plus, shampoo, clothes, and more.  It surprised me that a lot of items are cheaper in the US than in China.  We hear so much through the media about how cheap labor is in Asia; I assumed that the price of goods in Asian countries would be low since it is where many were produced. 

On top of midterms, packing up her room, and getting ready to fly home in a couple of weeks, Cindy has to go to different stores around town to get stuff to bring back for her family…without a car!  I feel like it would be quite difficult to live in a city but be unable to get around with transportation.  However, she happily runs errands for her family since they have so graciously made it possible for her to study internationally.

Talking to Cindy about returning to China, I learned that she is most excited to be reunited with her parents, her fluffy dog, and her beloved, authentic Chinese food.  But before she can head home, she has to figure out how to pack all of her things – and everything she has acquired in the last five months – into two suitcases!

As I prepare to study abroad in Spain for six weeks this summer, I am trying to approach my imminent departure with as much courage and joy as Cindy has shown me this semester.  No matter the difficulties she has faced being in a foreign country, she remains unshaken and grateful for the opportunity to receive her education in another country.  Every time I see Cindy, she has a huge smile across her face no matter what is going on in her life.  I can tell that she is truly enjoying the life she lives.  I hope that her optimism and cheerfulness will carry with me to Spain as her optimism and cheerfulness has carried with her from China to the United States.

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